Sunday, March 4, 2012

Adjusting to Mommy-ness

Finally. Time to sit down with my half glass of dark chocolate soy milk and Josh's computer. Time to blog while repeatedly smiling at Malachi who is busy yelling and talking and letting the universe in general know he is alive and awake. He may just throw himself out of his bouncer if I don't go rescue him from it soon.

People have often asked me how being a Mommy is. My response? It doesn't really feel like life has changed that much. And yet I know it has. I would say it's similar to getting married; everything is different and new and yet it feels like life may have been this way forever.

As much as I'd like to say things have fallen into a routine, I know there is much room for improvement. It is not yet rare for Josh to get home in the evening after a long day at school and find me still in my pj's, hair a mess, glasses repeatedly sliding down my nose as I realize I've not yet come up with dinner plans and Malachi is ready to eat again. Today is a midway successful day- I have a load of laundry in the dryer, the dish washer is running, the pots and pans are clean and Malachi got a bath. (Don't judge me for calling it successful when that's all I've accomplished). Oh, and I'm finally taking the time to write a blog. Which now falls way low on the list of priorities. Which is why this post is coming to a close. I've got more to do. My son to rescue from the bouncer, a diaper to change (if the sounds coming from Malachi's direction are any indication), bottles to wash, and it would probably be good if I made myself a little more presentable before my man comes home. Time to get moving. Oh, and dinner. I've got to stop forgetting dinner.