Monday, April 4, 2011

I'm pregnant. This might be a news flash for those of you who just haven't found out yet.

I've known for about a month, so I'm about right on par for the time it took me to blog about it. Josh and I were on a lovely vacation down in Florida celebrating... oh I don't know... life? A break between his school trimesters? The opportunity to see the sun? All of the above, most likely. (And, of course, a big thank you to the Pattengale parents and Rowe grandparents for making it possible.) We stayed with Josh's grandparents down in The Villages, FL. I think everyone should go there. It's like Disney for old people. Everyone is driving tricked out golf carts and doing nothing but playing bocce ball and cards and soaking up the skin cancer. They have large town squares and bring in live bands every night so the old folks can shake their new metal hips like never before. It's just wonderful!

Josh and I spent our first several days lounging at pools, catching up on sleep, eating ice cream and sorbet and steak and other delicious things. We really did have a great time! One night Josh and I decided to spend an evening by ourselves... you know, stroll hand in hand down the pier making witty comments about the girl (who looked like she was trying waaaayyy to hard) having her man take "modeling" shots of her, taking pictures of the lighthouse and necessary seagulls, stopping frequently for me to go to the bathroom (necessary even before pregnancy), and wondering in and out of shops. On the way to the second town square, we pulled the golf cart over on the side of the path and watched the sun go down over the lake. 'Beautiful' doesn't really cut it sometimes. We also stopped and picked up hair gel, face wash, and pregnancy tests at the local mart. (The pregnancy thing was more Josh's idea. See, he wanted me to prove to myself that I wasn't actually pregnant. And from past experience, he is usually right. Night shift = havoc on my body, so I've gone through a fortune worth of pregnancy tests. I actually bought prenatal vitamins and would make myself take them for a week. That way I would be doing everything right if I was pregnant and would feel free to wait a little longer to take a prego test. It's actually cheaper that way. Then, a week later, if there was still a possibility, off to the store for a pregnancy test. Again.) We stashed our little purchases in the golf cart and then continued to enjoy the night at the spanish town square- drinking coffee and sharing a cookie from panera, wandering from vendor booth to vendor booth, enjoying the heaviness of the warm air. It was one of those romantic nights you read about in sappy romance novels. Sigh.

Moving to 7am the next morning. I'm awake. I've got a pregnancy test in a bag beside the bed. I've got to pee. Perfect. So, waiting those 3 full minutes. Watching the pee move across the dipstick nervously. Seeing a faint second line. "That's just wishful thinking, Ericka." Hmm. That line is getting darker. There are definitely two lines. OHHHHH MYYYYY GOOOOOOOOOODNESS.

"Josh. Wake up. Look at this. Do you see two lines?"
"I can't see. Turn the light on."

"So, um, am I pregnant? DOES THIS MEAN I'M PREGNANT??!"
I belly flop onto the bed beside him. (Whoops, maybe I shouldn't belly flop anymore.)
"I don't know Ericka."
"Let's take a picture of us!"
Camera flash!
"Let's take the second test later."

Thirty minutes later. I'm thinking I just might be able to pee again. Two lines. Faster than last time. I slid open the door to the bathroom far enough to make eye contact with Josh. Two nods from me.

We're pregnant.

And of course, we're very excited about this. But right now in the story, we're more in the shock stage. And I feel awful stopping my post without getting to us being super excited and happy and delirious about it, but I'm at work. When you're at work, work comes first. And my shift is almost over, so I've got a few things to finish. So, perhaps in another month I'll get on past the first hour of finding out...


  1. What a beautiful writing! You need to write a book some day! I am so happy for you both! What a blessing it is to see God's beautiful gift being handed to you! Enjoy these times Erica, these are some of the best! Missy Routzahn

  2. I enjoyed your blog. You made me laugh while I envisioned your descriptions. Daddy and I are very happy and excited to be Grandma and Papaw to our 1st Pattengale grandbaby. Thanks for sharing the story. You 3 (?) are loved very much.

  3. oh dear grandbaby carrier....this has been so fun to read..and it was so fun to be there the day after and to hear from you that you were pregnant..I will let you write the story since you are doing such a fabulous job of it.. seriously we love you and Josh and miss u!!!
