Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It is Well.

After I posted my blog on desiring gentleness, I was sent several emails and messages with the general idea that God made me who I am and I do not have to be a quiet person to be a gentle spirit. When reviewing my heart and my goals, I realized changing my personality was never in question for me. It was more of “how does the me that God created become the me God can create for the future.” I know it has to be in His Spirit and power, but how does that begin? Where do I start?

I suppose I will start with submission to God. Tonight I ran across a blog of a woman near my age discussing gentleness- she ended with the suggestion to read the writings of Matthew Henry, a Presbyterian minister and Bible commentator from the 1600's. In his book The Quest for Meekness and Quietness of Spirit, Matthew Henry described meekness as submission to God’s plan and immediate acceptance of God’s Word- the kind of blanket acceptance that leaves you ready to be molded by what you read and what is revealed. I know this is probably just an incomplete summation of the first few paragraphs of his thoughts, but hey, I am going off the sneak peak provided by Amazon. And honestly, this is probably a big enough chunk for me to work on while I wait for my newly ordered book to arrive. Blanket acceptance and submission. Contentment with God’s plan and provision. Being at peace with my Heavenly Father. Saying, “It is well with my soul.” Yes, that is enough to work on for right now.


  1. may I just brag about you my dear daughter in law?? I am constantly blessed by your sweet spirit and your willingness to be a woman of God and a loving wife to our son. Your posts are very thoughtful and though provoking for me :-)
    Love you!
    Mom Pattengale

  2. You had me laughing while I read your blog. Thanks for sharing the story. I am very excited to be Grandma to this little life. You and Josh will be wonderful parents. We are praying for all 3 or (?)of you. Love you!

  3. Somehow I commented at the wrong place. Sorry!
