Thursday, September 8, 2011

I'm a fan of my husband.

I've said it before, I'll say it again. My husband is just the greatest. You don't even know, and there is really no feasible way for you to find out unless you were married to him. And that is an opportunity I'm not going to give you. So, you'll just have to take my word for it.

To me, pregnancy has been somewhat like a second honeymoon phase. Except different. We know each other better and can communicate on a deeper level. We have dropped some of that "try to impress each other" act and can openly bare our deepest fears and thoughts and joys and concerns. And their is a tenderness, a feeling of complete empathy with and for one another.

I have never felt so deeply cared about as I have with Josh. And this is no hit on my parents or family. His level of tenderness and deep concern for me is overwhelming. Tears flood my eyes as I think of his commitment and steadfastness to me and our marriage. And our son.

I am spoiled. Spoiled by a man who truly considers me before himself. Who rigorously guards his eyes, thoughts, and heart. Who brings joy and completion to our home by simply being in it. Who softly kisses my shoulder or rubs my back when I'm tossing and turning at night. Who praises me for being such a good wife when the only thing I accomplished was vacuuming the carpet. Who puts away his studying or fantasy football to ask what he can do for me to make the evening special. Who reminds me of God's faithfulness. Even who God uses to bring conviction and growth and change into my life.

I am so, so thankful. For my husband.


  1. I am so grateful that God brought the two of you together! It warms my heart to know how deeply you love and care for each other!
    Now..can we clone you for our other 3 sons???????
    Love you!

  2. This is so sweet!! I am so happy for you. :)

  3. Wow, Ericka! That's all we could say when we read it. Dad said that Josh raised the bar and dad doesn't know if he can ever live up to that!! He said, "That notes a keeper" and wants me to make a copy. "Thank you, God, for creating such a wonderful man to love our daughter."
