Monday, August 8, 2011

Good grief. Where has the time gone?! Most likely I've used it up eating and sleeping, but I don't remember now. I suppose I should rehash some of what's happened in the time since I've last posted...

The day after I posted that Josh hadn't felt the baby move, he felt the baby for the first time. I don't remember much about it- the baby was moving around four in the morning, so I woke Josh up, grabbed his hand and placed it over the baby. The baby kicked and voila! Then Josh rolled back over and went back to sleep. I didn't know if Josh would remember the next morning, but he did. He's too classy of a fellow to dissappoint his wife by forgetting such a lovely event. :) Since then, BP (Baby Pattengale) has been a tornado inside me. These days we can just sit and watch my belly to see BP's movements and kicks. On the especially big movements, I can't help but yelp or giggle- people around me must think I'm out of my mind. Sitting on the couch staring at my belly giggling. It's a lovely time.

We also had our 20 week ultrasound. Apparently, BP is a boy. At least, that's what the tech said. She pointed to some picture and said "It's a boy! There is his ____." (We'll keep this rated pg.) We didn't feel too surpised by that- everyone except my grandpa was guessing male. It just seemed right. We are so excited to have a little boy. Josh is excited for sports and "father-son bonding." I'm just glad that I won't have to deal with girl emotions yet. I have enough of my own, thank you. Side note: I have cried at every mother-son wedding dance I've seen since finding out BP is a boy. At Josh's inquiry, I warbled, "I'm going to have to do that in twenty-some years! (Followed by more sobs and tears and unpleasantries. He responded quickly. "No you won't. Just don't allow dancing at his wedding!" Missed the point just a bit, maybe?)

I have been feeling really well almost the entire pregnancy. Besides being tired and having increased sciatic nerve pain (which was an issue for me even before pregnancy) I am feeling like one hot mama! I thrill everytime a stranger notices I'm pregnant, although I do have the evil desire to answer with, "No, I'm not pregnant. Why would you think that!?" I'm pretty much dying to try that just to watch the questioner's face. Of course, then I would let them off the hook. Haven't gotten the nerve to do it though. Maybe one of these days... (evil laugh).

I'm currently 28 weeks along. It blows my mind that in less than 10 weeks I will be considered full term. That is crazy and wonderful and incredibly scary. How does one make the final transition into becoming a mother? I'm sure it's a transition that takes place over time- the nights you are up all hours holding an inconsolable baby, the time spent in worry and the time better used in prayer, the sacrifices of time, finances, certain desires, self-will, and the knowing that it's all worth it. I have to constantly trust that the God who has always provided will continue. Otherwise, my finite wisdom and understanding will fall far short of the task ahead of me.

Goodness, I love my son.


  1. Sitting on the cough???? haha....COUCH! Anyway, glad you're doing so well! Wish I could be there next weekend for your baby shower. And I'm still working on your pics. I'm sorry I'm so slow! Love ya.

  2. You are definitely one hot mama...

  3. Ericka, you are and will continue to be a wonderful mommy to this little boy. He already has won your heart over. Your deeper thoughts about transitioning to motherhood are quite good. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and heart with us. These are the things that make life meaningful. So proud of you!
