Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Update on my Pitiful Post

So, I thought perhaps I should continue the transparency and let you know how my journey to be a far less lackluster wife is going. (I find 'less lackluster' fun to say. It's even fun to type. Try it. Your fingers get tongue-tied, if that's possible.)

Honestly, I think it's going well. Our house gets a little cleaner each day and I'm working hard to keep it that way. Dishes are done each evening (mostly), the living and dining rooms are tidied before heading upstairs to get ready for bed, and I wipe down the bathroom sink right before climbing into bed. I've even started keeping the toilet lid down (shout out to my brother-in-law, Simon. An open toilet lid is a serious no-no in the Henry household.)

I still have a crazy lot of room to improve. Our master bedroom has three overflowing baskets of clean, folded laundry to be put away. However, I'd prefer you focus on the facts. The laundry is both clean and folded. :) AND.....

The other day some friends randomly stopped by. And when the husband walked into our house, he said, "It's clean in here! You guys keep a tidy place!" And my heart found a place called Bliss.

Now, to get more consistent with my devotions (definitely) and consider a workout routine (probably not).


  1. Proud of you Ericka. After 3 months it becomes a habit or so I have heard. I know I have changed over the years. Much more tidy since marrying your daddy. Keep trying with the Devos. Dad just completed reading bible through and I hope to be there soon. Constant discipline and will power and prayer.. You are a fabulous writer!

  2. Unfortunately, toilet lids are a hit-or-miss since we have to many kiddos using the toilet a zillion times a day. :)
