Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Who Is That Child's Mother?!

This post starts with a confession. I didn't go to church this past Sunday. My excuse is working Saturday night and being completely EXHAUSTED. Our pastor once told us to stay home and sleep if we're going to fall asleep in church. And this past Sunday I took him at his word. Josh and Malachi still went however. (As you can tell, I have a very spiritual baby.) Before climbing into bed, I put Malachi in a short sleeved white onesie and a long sleeve button up shirt. I told Josh that Malachi's jeans were on the stairs, his bag was packed, and that he needed to come home right after church as Malachi would need to nurse. And then, ah, the bliss of slumber. Later that evening, we decided to go out on the town. I searched for Malachi's jeans, but when they were not to be found, I asked Josh where he had put them when he had removed them from Malachi. Mayhap you can guess where this tale is headed. Josh replied, "What jeans?" "The jeans he wore to church." "He didn't wear jeans to church." "What did he wear?" "The shirt you had on him." Yes. It's true. Josh took our son to church without pants. I can just imagine his little rolled thighs as he crawled around the nursery. And it was chilly too! I wonder what the nursery workers thought as Josh dropped him off in a classy button up shirt with no pants. Mortifying. And hilarious. I'm never going to the 11:00am service again. Malachi is too easy to remember with his full head of hair and unique name. Of course, I immediately called my mother and sister to share this amusing story. They were equally tickled. I hope you are as well.

1 comment:

  1. I laughed out loud and then told Mark the story! He said, "Haha, I would do that!"
