Thursday, October 18, 2012

Comin' at ya like a whirlwind

As TobyMac quite aptly put it, "Comin' at ya like a whirlwind A hundred miles an hour's where we'll begin." This keeps running through my brain. Not just because it's a classy reminder of my youth (makes me sound old to say that), but because said phrase describes the last few weeks and the coming as well. In two days, I'm taking my son and we're leaving Iowa to live with my parents. I realize that sounds like I'm leaving Josh, and I am, but it's not like that! :) Josh is coming to the end of his time at Palmer and is hoping to complete an internship in Indiana while we live with my parents in their sweet basement apartment. However, he still has some clinic requirements to complete before he can move. (The lessons God has been teaching me through all his clinic requirements, such as patience, trust, and not killing people, should be a different blog entirely.) So, we were planning on living in Iowa until he finished his requirements, BUT... our lease is up the end of October and our landlady doesn't want to do month to month. So, Malachi and I are off to Indiana and my dear, sweet, wonderful husband has to stay here and bunk with friends on a futon. And it breaks my heart. I'm a pathetic moper when Josh isn't around. Like, I go to visit family by myself but in reality I just want to be home, snuggling with my hubby or playing together with Malachi. So honestly, it will probably be good for my growth to have to miss him and live without him for a while. A good time to work on myself and my relationships with others. And for sure, it will cause spiritual growth as the Lord will be the only one I can talk to as I fall asleep in a lonely bed in a lonely basement. (I have mentioned to Josh that I may just go upstairs and crawl in bed with my parents. They have a king size- it's doable right???) SO, right now I need to go finish packing. Tonight we're having some man people stop by to help carry some of our heavy stuff (read washer, drier, deep freezer, treadmill, dressers) from the basement and 2nd floor to the garage- where it will be much easier to load from tomorrow using my not manly muscles. And tomorrow we say goodbye to our friends of the last 3 years. And then I leave the place that was Josh and my first hometown. The place we learned what marriage truly was. Where we started our family. And it would be a good thing, if only I could take my husband with me. (*Extra: If you are reading this and pity me, please go see Josh for chiro adjustments. He needs the numbers. Or pray for him to get his numbers quickly. Or do both. Yes, that's the best option.*)


  1. Aw =( I am sorry. I know how it feels to have the hubby away. I can't sleep in our bed without him, it's just weird for me. If I could go visit for a chiro I would! Where is his office at? I mean which city. I'm down in LA but I have friends in your state! We'll see how close they are! I'll be praying for you two.I still remember the day you got in line for McConn to let me know you were engaged! Love you both!!!!!

  2. Simon doesn't like to sleep without me either. :) He sleeps on the couch. Not me! I enjoy the big bed all to myself. ;-)
    You are leaving the first stage of your married life: you'll have wonderful memories to look back on! And now you get to make some new ones.
    Love you sis! Can't wait to see you next week and have you visit soon after.
