Thursday, February 10, 2011


Tonight was small group. We get together with other couples from Palmer who also attend our church, Harvest Bible Chapel, Davenport. Tonight's theme for the girls seemed to hinge on God's calling for us to be suitable helpers to our husbands. And what that looks like. And how difficult it can be.

This is a nice place to segue into the Word. 1 Peter 3:3-5a.
"3 Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. 4 Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. 5 For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to adorn themselves.

This is difficult for me. I think it's likely difficult for women in general, especially in our society. We are loud, powerful in the workforce, driven. So what does gentleness look like for a woman of God who is a respected professional in the workforce? What is this gentleness, this quietness we are supposed to embody as an act of worship to God? I must admit, I am instantly drawn to the idea of being a gentle, supportive helper for Josh. But I also can have a very loud, demanding, abrupt, controlling and emotional side. A loud personality that is high energy. I need to learn how to fit who I am into who God wants me to be. And cut out the parts that don't fit into God's plan for me.

At small group, the girls talked about picking a word of the year. This word would be something we want to work on- something that is our focus for the year.

I am picking the word 'gentle.' I suppose I need to figure out what that looks like first. But I want to be changed, really deep inside. I want to be like the holy women of old and make myself beautiful from the inside out. I want to please my husband, to be a calm harbor in a world that can be so rough. God willing.

Would love your thoughts on what gentleness looks like and how you have developed this in your own life...


  1. Very nice blog Ericka. I'd like that to be my word also.

  2. I think that demonstrating a gentle spirit is one of, if not the biggest, challenge for me on a daily basis. And when you add stressors such as juggling all the demands placed on women, (kids' lessons, errands, dinner preparations, homework, etc.) gentleness is often forgotten. At least it is for me.

    I, too, have been thinking of creating more of a calming environment within my family, especially recently. And I've notice that calmness begets more calmness throughout our house. I really think that it has to begin with us first - as women and moms - to set the stage for gentleness. That's what God made us to do. That's what we do best, if we really stop and think about it. We do fail at it, but thankfully, God is right there to get us back on track. Each and every day.

    You have such a good heart, Ericka.

  3. Ericka, I am a gentle person by nature, but I think people take some of those Scriptures wrongly. I believe that your personality was given to you by God and if you are a high energy, driven, "loud" personality, that is who God made you to be and it is a blessing. If/when you are exemplifying the fruit of the spirit, in my mind, that is when you are exemplifying "gentleness" because you are allowing the Holy Spirit to work through/in you.
    As for the outward appearance, I believe God wants our main focus to be on making the inward person beautiful, but not to the neglect of the outward. God's Word has always seemed balanced to me, but people seem to interpret it rather rigidly on one side or the other, rather than view it from the context of God's Word as a whole.
    I like your questions. Keep seeking and you can't go wrong.

  4. Very nice blog, Ericka. Thought provoking and challenging in a nice way. When I think of an example of a genle woman, I right away think of my mom. She has been a career woman at home, taking care of the foster care homes. She is classy not with outward adornment but by her gentle and calm spirit. People trust her and find her to be a safe, non-threatening spirit. She has taken care of her husband's needs and wants as much as she has been able. Even though the business thrived, mostly by her efforts, she honored my dads manhood and character by staying tender and gentle, and submissive toward him. He never felt threatened by her success because he could trust her to make the best decisions for all. She walked the talk in her love for God and I strongly believe that the reason all of her children and grandchildren have not rebelled against God or their parents is due to a grandmother who lived out what it means to be a gentle and loving woman of God. She is my biggest hero!! I love you and the fact that you are desirous to be all that God has in mind for you!
